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VOA Studio Tour Update

Print collateral, in this case a tri-fold brochure, was redesigned, and coordinated with the new color and branding initiatives.
In order to assure accuracy during fabrication and installation, a vendor installation manual was designed to accruately convey all dimensions, specifications, and setup details.
Voice of America’s Studio Tour is the main public outreach vehicle at VOA’s headquarters in Washington, DC, and the exhibit space is also used for public events featuring foreign dignitaries. Coinciding with the branding and identity updates to all of VOA’s initiatives, the original design by Chermayoff and Geismar/Exhibitology was in need of a refresh. In addition, certain elements of the tour required updating, which was done with close coordination with the VOA Public Relations department in selecting images and updating copy for use in the displays.
A thorough evaluation was also required, not only due to the rebranding campaign, but also due to removing inconsistencies introduced by intermediate changes throughout the tour area. Color and substrate analyses were investigated, to account for differing lighting conditions and surfaces. Production and execution also had to be carefully planned, due to tight scheduling for tours, public events, and building security requirements. This also included necessary repairs to the display spaces, expected during removal of the old artwork.
Another facet of the updates was exterior signage. Working within the constraints set by the Commission on Fine Arts, and General Services Administration (GSA), visual impact was added by streamlining the banner and display case presentation to feature the new VOA branding elements. Appealing imagery was added to the display case designs, and overall design was brought into line with the main exhibit display. The signage review also uncovered a lack of indication of handicapped accessible entry to the building (visitors approaching the entrance straight on had no indication). Since GSA rules prohibited any permanently attached signage to historic buildings, a novel approach was conceived--handicapped signage was fabricated with stakes to be placed in the raised flower beds, which fulfilled the display requirements and the guidelines.
The final element in the redesign, the print collateral, was also updated with new copy, and imagery, and coordinated with the with exhibit elements
VOA Studio Tour Update

VOA Studio Tour Update

Update and rebranding of the VOA Studio Tour Exhibit in the headquarters of Voice of America in Washington, D.C.
