'MUSK25'  Campaign

A wise man once said:
We should be able to launch people onto Mars 
probably in 2024 with arrival in 2025 ...

That prompts the question:
Who will govern civilization on Mars?

The choice is obvious.

To help do my part in bettering the future
I set out to put together an identity system for 
Elon Musk’s  Mars presidency campaign​​​​​​​



In past interviews and tweets, 
Elon Musk has voiced his support of a 
"Direct Democracy" governmental system for Mars. 
This requires laws to be easily voted down, 
hence allowing an ever-changing and 
(hopefully) ever-improving societal system.

To visualize this, I came up with the idea 
of a continually-altering logo/identity system.
This on-going cycle of "default" unobtrusive typefaces
can both serve as a reference guide for future 
designers as well as an attempt to convey this key feature 
of the system merely through graphical designs.

As for image treatments, I was inspired by the Voyager Golden Records - 
Two phonograph records containing documentations intended 
to communicate human history in which NASA sent out to space along
with the Voyager I and II spacecrafts as time capsules.

To mimic the way these gold-plated copper records reflect light,
I experimented with various image treatments that inverted 
the exposure of Mars landscape images taken by NASA



'MUSK25' attempts to convey several ideas: 
Going to Mars
Living on Mars
Elon Musk as President for Mars

This means that the rather generic "Vote Musk for Mars!" may not be 
sufficient as a single slogan to promote the campaign to its full extent.

Elon Musk has had a long reputation of being quite in touch with the meme culture
Thus, posing the rhetorical question of

"Is Mars Free Real Estate?"

would help promote both his great sense of humor and the idea of living on Mars

The initial strategic phase is to pitch 
the idea of the campaign and its visual identity.

To do so, I decided to steer towards 
a more interactive method of promoting:

setting up posters that will be designed
to seem like blank canvases in public areas, 
allowing any passerby to draw out 
their own version of a "MUSK25" wordmark.








a wise man once said  we should be able to launch people onto Mars  probably in 2024 with arrival in 2025 ... that prompts the question: who wil Read More
