The project
Agora Bar Restaurant asked for the Soul Creative Agency’s assistance on the redesigning of two wine labels signed by the restaurant. Given that the names for the wine varieties Malagouzia/Assyrtiko and Xinomavro/Agiogiorgitiko are Argo and Odyssey respectively, we used the label’s surface to narrate stories inspired by the Greek mythology. 


On the Argonauts’ journey back from Colchis, bringing with them the Golden Fleece, goddess Athena put their ship, the famous Argo, on the sky offering them eternal glory. That way the constellation Argo Navis was formed, and we depicted it on the relevant wine label, approaching the ship as a classic symbol.

For Odyssey, we designed a map depicting the 10-year wandering of the King of Ithaca on his return from Troy that was full of adventures. On his way back he met Cyclops, Sirens, Laestrygonians, the monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis, nymph Calypso, witch-goddess Circe, and his journey finally lasted 10 years instead of just a few weeks. Furthermore, taking Kavafis’ poem as our point of inspiration, the depicted journey on the label is symbolizing the course of man to reach his ideals. 

Agora Wines

Agora Wines
