Anahid Attaran's profile

REM (Thomas' Dream) - Art Direction

REM Thomas' Dream - 2019
REM is the result of a 3 weeks project and a collaboration between first year master and Bachelor students in KADK.

REM is the story of Thomas, a guy seem to have a normal life but facing depression from the inside and having some weird dreams as a result of his mind try to suppress his sad past memories. He has to face his past and remember his memories in order to cope with his life and get over with the dreams.

I was Art Director of the project and work with 8 talented students, consist of 4 visual designers in art department. I also helped with the initiation of narration and story world.
Gameplay of the game happens in thomas' nightmares and dreams in a surreal setting. For the Nightmare world I wanted have a mysterious, creepy, sad environment with a feeling of stickyness and strangle and for the dreamworld was supposed to be magical and full of light with a feeling of freedom and happiness. I tried to bring all those feelings with choosing specific color pallet, assets and especial characteristic for each world. 
As an art director I tried to define the mood and style of the game so visual artists could do their art based on that. I tried to find references, give directions to match their different styles and opinion for improvement of the visuals and most importantly managed communication between the visual artists and between art and game design department.

Game's walk through.

Early Concenpts for Nightmare and Dream world by me. 

Thumbnails for dream world (by me) and Final scenes of nightmare world (by Hannah Jørgensen) and dream world (by Cornelia Irbo)

Cut scenes (drown by Bjørn Sørensen, animated by Weronika Kulis) thumbnails and character references by me.

REM (Thomas' Dream) - Art Direction

REM (Thomas' Dream) - Art Direction
