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Peter Piper

Peter Piper is an interactive story game that brings users through the life of a boy named Peter. This story, was inspired by the classic tongue twister, Peter Piper, having that we joined another story, the story of Pied the Piper making an interesting twist in this games storyline.
The story goes,

Peter was born of noble blood.
A charming, tall, handsome young lad.
Well dressed and groomed, a bright future seemed for him.
But the people of his father's town disliked the leading family.
One day they plotted against them and Peter was the only survivor of the vicious mob.

Seeing him so young, they let him live, but not with them.
He was exiled from the town with which he was born.
He turned to the woods where he wanders for shelter.
In his strive to survive, he meets Pied Piper.
A piper who is revered for his music and song.

A sharp nose and chin only gave him a more lavish look.
Dressed in bright clothes the piper entertains his subjects.
Little does Peter know the dark cloud behind this rainbow.
Pied schemes and lies through his ways.
The day he entertains with glee, the night he steals so free.

Pied offers him a chance to live and journey with him, but it comes with strings attached.
Peter would steal valuables from the towns folk while Pied entertains them with his music.
Time passes and Peter grows fed up of Pied's schemes and trickery.
One night when Pied was asleep, Peter picks his pipe and charms Pied into an illusion of song.
Pied wakes up only to find himself alone without his pipe.

Puzzled he journeys forth to a town nearby seeking refuge.
During his journey he stumbles upon his lost pipe.
He breathes a breathe of relief and picks it up and continues his journey.
Upon entering the town he begins entertaining the townsfolk and earning his share of gold.
The townsfolk in this town were generous and gave him a peck of gold.

Pied smiles as he receives his reward, and seeks an inn to rest for the night.
At night Pied does his set of schemes, robbing the townsfolk blind of their belongings.
Only to be discovered by one man, Pied runs as the man is armed.
Into the forest he runs back to his home.
Only to be shot dead before he could enter.

The moment he dies, he awakes from his slumber.
At the same spot he wakes, and again it begins.
The robber pillages to his hearts desire.
And revealing his face, it is no other than Peter.
Peter then disposes the body.

And returns to town, only to wait for Pied's return.
The master thief now remains dumb to illusion.
If only he knew the man whom he taught to steal, has now robbed him not only of his gold, but his mind.
Peter Piper

Peter Piper

Peter Piper is an interactive story game that brought users through the life of a boy named Peter. This story, was inspired by the classic tongue Read More
