FLOWINFUTURE_Data-driven social movement

This project is an initiative launched by the Public Utility Board (PUB) of Singapore, Singapore's National Water Agency. In collaboration with EQUATOR and Temasek Polytechnic to preserve water resource in Singapore. 

Water is a precious resource that is often taken for granted by Singaporeans. Despite Singapore's geographical constraints, the government has managed to source different ways to collect water—also known as the 4 National Taps. While we continue investing in research to find more sustainable ways to collect and clean water, it is still the duty of every Singaporean to help save water through their everyday actions.
Not resonating that every drop counts.
The general public might feel that their efforts will not make a difference to Singapore's water resources, so they do not feel the need to use water wisely.

There is also a lack of communication between government officials and the public about the water conditions in Singapore. 

Even in times of water shortage crisis, it is still up to government officials to confirm the situation, take charge and take action. There is little to no room for members of the public to be the first respondents.

People simply do not know enough about what is going on, what to do, or how to help.

With the lack of instant feedback, people have a delayed sense of awareness about the impact of their actions.
• Singapore's water consumption are 45% domestic & 55% non-domestic usage.
•79% of Singapore households are government-owned HDB flats with typical family of the size of 3 members
per household.
• 50% of the family are couples with children, mostly Gen Zs。
• Gen Zs are impulsive, young, offbeat & enthusiastic avid consumers.
• They have high focus on entertainment,leisure & socializing and desire unique, unlimited, stress-free experiences.
• They can be our advocate & voice of this project, design a social movement to impact them may result in improved domestic water conservation. 
Design a social movement to encourage saving water among people.
The inspiration of FLOW came from water itself, which also refers to a state of mind, a collective mentality that PUB and the general public shares about the water resource conditions in Singapore. To achieve this flow of idea through the minds of many, we will use technology & data to visualize this message to give Singaporeans instant update on water condition in Singapore.
in-depth conversations
Along with the raw data on Singapore's water condition, the PUB will use those data to create more intimidate instructions & conversations with Singaporean. Some example of the 'conversations' are shown below; the basic idea here is to use positivity & humour to encourage people to change their water consumption habit.
Launch phase: Instagram posts
OUtdoor installation: VITAE
VITAE, which means life in Latin, is a glass structure that will be installed at four zones of Singapore near high human traffic areas like shopping malls. Each VITAE will display the water condition of the region on the glass panel via projection. The mist will be produced inside the glass structure to symbolise the constant flow of water in Singapore.
VITAE also serves as the first pledge mechanism for this campaign. Participants will only need to place their hands on the glass, wait for the projection machine to detect the hand on the glass and generate the FLOW (triangle). As the number of pledges increases, more and more light particles will be projected inside VITAE to show the number of people pledging for this social movement.
FOllow up: weekly Instagram stories
"FLEXYOURFLOW" is the second pledge mechanism for this campaign. Participants will only need to access the campaign website via the Instagram story, key in their household unit numbers to find out their water conservation level, whether it is good or need to improve for more. After which, they will receive a link to activate their tier filter on Instagram, for them to flex and show off their contribution to Singapore's water condition.
Each week there will be an official PUB Instagram story update on the participants who had maintain their water conservation level throughout the week, crediting their efforts and instantly recognising their progress.
Other data updates, such as water bank & regional water storage report, are all designed to give people the latest information about Singapore's water condition and giving people the chance to be the first respondent.

THANK YOU for viewing our project!

FLOWINFUTURE_Data-driven social movement

FLOWINFUTURE_Data-driven social movement

A social campaign pitch for Public Utility Board of Singapore to encourage proactive water conservation among Singaporeans.
