YHS DESIGN's profile

熙.居 Lucid Dwelling

熙.居  Lucid Dwelling

year _ 2021

在白色空間內賦予單一線條感連續生命力;通透的天井四季光影及綠意飄忽遊走其中穿透感的玻璃質材,涵養了空間豐富度希望予人乾淨輕盈明透的錯覺,在純淨的色調中追求材質間細微的錯位與質感變化形成優雅的感覺,體現建築與室內與景觀融合設計的親密美學關係,設計與旅程可以就此展開 … 

The white space has been given a flow of life; rich context of light and shadow are fulfilled within this void, seeking the slightest variations of details in this clear palette, hoping to present an elegant sense of pureness.
And so the journey begins...
熙.居 Lucid Dwelling

熙.居 Lucid Dwelling
