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Douglas James – Digital Marketing Entrepreneur

Douglas James – Digital Marketing Entrepreneur
For entrepreneurs and business owners, high-ticket clients can be the difference between success and failure. And while landing one or two high-ticket clients can be exhilarating, once you’re able to consistently land them, and even automate the process, your business can experience explosive growth, and you can finally find the financial freedom you’re probably dreaming about.

Douglas James is an expert in this niche and tricky area. Known as “The High-Ticket Client Guy,” James has codified the system for landing these clients, and works with entrepreneurs who are eager to learn his secrets.

Today, he’s answering some questions about his successful career in digital marketing, and how you can transform your own business ventures.

How did you become “The High-Ticket Guy?”

Douglas James: I wasn’t always an entrepreneur. My story actually goes back to 2014, when I was a Navy Corpsman. I was deployed on the USNS Mercy, on a humanitarian mission, where I helped impoverished communities in Guam, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and the Philippines. It was a humbling experience to say the least, and a huge wake up call for me. I realized I wanted to use my life to help raise people up, and help them find success. And I knew that it took money to be able to give back. That’s when I transitioned into being an entrepreneur.

What happened next?

Douglas James: The shift was wild, and it was immediate. I saw how online marketing and advertising had the power to transform a company. I started with SEO, and then Facebook Ads, and learned how these tools could help companies find explosive growth, and important new clients. People started turning to me with questions, when they saw my success. That’s how my business was created. It came from a place of truly wanting to help others find their own independent success. Now, we have this incredible community, which supports each other, as we transform our own lives. It’s powerful to see the results of this process. I love when people go through my process, and I see firsthand how their businesses and their lives are transformed.

Why is it important for entrepreneurs to invest in themselves?

Douglas James: All entrepreneurs know what it means to invest in their own businesses. Of course it takes time, money, blood, sweat, and tears, to make your venture a raging success. But investing in yourself in just as important, because it actually translates into your work. That’s a big mistake I see often. Entrepreneurs fail to see the link between their personal investments and their business investments. That’s why I advocate for all entrepreneurs to make sure they’re putting their resources back into their personal growth. When you invest in yourself, you’re also investing in the long-term success of your venture.

What services do you offer to entrepreneurs?

Douglas James: Some of the services I offer include a one-hour phone call, where we discuss ways to create what I call a “Client Acquisition System,” and “Effective Sales Process,” all involving automation and Facebook. Entrepreneurs can also join my six-month group, which has limited space, where we brainstorm with high-power influencers. You can also spend a VIP day with me in San Diego, learning all of the transformative tricks of the trade. These are all life changing skills, and I think every entrepreneur should know these techniques. I’m grateful to be able to share these transformative tricks and techniques with other entrepreneurs.

What digital marketing trends are you watching for 2020?

Douglas James: Automation and social media marketing will only continue to play an even bigger role in business ventures. If you haven’t hopped on board yet, or your skills are rusty or lackluster, it’s not too late to learn the ropes. Knowing how to utilize different platforms will be key in the coming months.

I really think 2020 will be the year of honing in on how to hit target audiences. This will all make the landscape only that more competitive, and it will be even more important for entrepreneurs to know exactly how to use these tools.

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Douglas James – Digital Marketing Entrepreneur

Douglas James – Digital Marketing Entrepreneur


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