China Promo Video
This video is an excerpt from a larger piece I am creating for my Youtube Channel, Matte Mani. The complete piece explores my perspective on the current situation in China since the outbreak of the Corona Virus. Having lived in Shanghai for the last 4 years I wanted to share some insights on what life is currently like for my friends who are stilling living in China.

However, after listening to several WSJ podcasts covering the current state of china I realized people don't have the necessary cultural exposure to truly understand what is happening. One of the biggest impediments to understanding is lack of information.  For most people China is a formless idea in their mind. When they hear about it from the news or other forms of media they instinctively think of factories and big crowds. 

This portion of the video was created to give people a cultural foundation so that discussions of the Corona outbreak can be more informed.
China Promo


China Promo

This video is a promo video exploring my time living and traveling in China
