Zhuo Hui (Zoey) Tan's profile

Valentine's Day 2020: Spread the Love Virus

Personal Project | Feb 2020
Valentine's Day 2020 
Love Coupons
Spread the love virus with these love coupons for your loved ones! A personal project inspired by the season of love and the current COVID-19 situation affecting Singapore and many countries around the world. 
How to Use
You can tear out the tab on the coupon and give it to your respective loved one for them to redeem the action from you. For example, if you a stranger redeems their coupon from you, you are obliged to buy less toilet paper on your next hoarding trip to the supermarket. 

The tongue-in-cheek humour is a reference to the panic pervading Singapore (e.g. clearing the shelves of masks, hand sanitisers, detergents, toilet paper, maggi mee), but at the same time a reminder to take care of oneself while remaining calm, considerate and empathetic in these trying times. 

Design Rationale
The wacky aesthetic—bright clashing colours and gradients, type as graphic forms—is half-personal style experimentation and half-semiotic signalling that this was made in good-humoured jest. I created this cute heart-virus character to hijack the dominant narrative of fear and paranoia and turn it into something less scary. Instead of spreading a menacing disease, this heart-virus spreads love instead with its flower power (nod to the 70's hippie love movement) envelope proteins.

The fonts for "Partners", "Strangers", and "Fear" are from the GlyphWorld family of fonts, created by Leah Maldonado. Thank you! :)
Valentine's Day 2020: Spread the Love Virus


Valentine's Day 2020: Spread the Love Virus

A personal project inspired by Valentine's Day and the current COVID-19 situation affecting Singapore and many countries around the world. Hope t Read More
