The name of “Wounderland” indexes the sorrowful story behind the unexpected gift; it implies the potential future may be the severe world. If people do not make an effort to change the current situation of climate change, the next generation probably receives the non-repairable and wounded planet. It will be tragic to born in a dangerous environment. This route aims to break the expectation when people unbox the gift. The unexpected presents could evoke the audience’s curiousness and question.

Wounderland 暗示著禮物背後悲傷的故事,未來可能將面對一個十分險峻的世界;如果人們不開始努力做出改變,那未來的孩子可能不再知道地球上曾經的美好,孩子們將被水覆蓋的房子視為當然;在糧食短缺的情況下,以昆蟲為主食也只是一種日常。



The name of “Wounderland” indexes the sorrowful story behind the unexpected gift; it implies the potential future may be the severe world. If peo Read More
