Orion is a luxury condominium located in the heart of Austin, Texas. Orion strives to illustrate to its potential clients that the home they find there could be familiar, inviting, and extraordinary. This brochure was designed in three parts: morning, day, and night. Each section of time corresponds to a literary, intellectual, or artistic movement and the transition from reason and logic to unreason and illogic. 

Morning is paired with the scientific revolution as a time to reflect and question the goings on of your life. Galileo is used to reference this movement.

Day is paired with enlightenment to show a propensity for progress, work, efficiency.  Voltaire represents this movement in this case. 

Night is paired with romanticism and freedom to have some fun. Mary Shelley acts as representative for this movement. 

Orion Condos

Orion Condos

Orion is a luxury condominium located in the heart of Austin, Texas. Orion strives to illustrate to its potential clients that the home they find Read More
