How did your opinion of your images change after showing them in a public gallery?
 My view of my image didn't change really, a-lot of people thought the picture of the water hitting the dock was cool, and that surprised me, at first i thought that photos was just messy, because the photo was taken on accident. but it turned out that people really liked it
What comments by visitors surprised you?  How did those comments change your opinion about your work? 
People saw different things in the picture of the trees at the loop road, people commented that it looked like a tunnel or a opening to another world, a=one guy thought the opening was a lamp, which really surprised me, on my other photo of the dock a person described it as if your drowning which was interesting.
Describe your experience of presenting your work to the public.  What did you learn from the experience? 
My experience was good, i was kinda dreading going but i'm actually really glad i went, i got to talk so some many different people of different stories and it was really interesting, i think i learned from the experience how to talk and engage in conversations with people i never meant which was actually fun.
Art Exhibit

Art Exhibit


Creative Fields