Stephen McMennamy                                                                    My own Emulation
Sweet Sound
A class Emulation Assignment of a chosen photographer. In this assignment I chose Stephen McMennamy as my photographer to emulate. His work was so interesting and fun I had to try out myself. With my own headphones I changed the color of the base and with the doughnut as well I changed the color of the frosting. As for the background, I had my own color paper and photographed all the items.
              Stephen McMennamy                                                           My Emulation
Over Size Noodles
Same assignment with the same photographer. Emulating his cup noodle combination photograph, yet another fun project to work on. All objects and model where photographed by me. The challenging part of this assignment was making sure my yarn had the feeling of the "rope" and changing the color, making it look almost like the actual color of the noodles. As for the chop sticks, I had to photograph them repeatedly. For the model I had him holding some broomstick poles in order to have the feeling of grabbing on to something. Over all a fun project



Class assignment to emulate a professional Photographer
