Concept Sketch
Concept Sketch
Aerial View 
Site Allotment: Blue = Developable, Yellow = Purchasable, Red = Armory (Landmark, can be refinished but not demolished)
Site Plan
Site Plan Detail: Armory Plaza
Render Detail: Armory Plaza
Site Plan Detail: Star Tribune Interior Courtyard and Northern Tower
Site Plan Detail: Live/Work/SRO neighborhood
Wintertime Render
Concept Diagram: Connecting four distinct Minneapolis districts
Seasonal Activities Diagram
Armory Plaza: Summer
Permeable Surfaces/Hardscaping Diagram
Transportation Diagram
Construction Phasing
Site Sections along Short and Long Axes
Section Detail: High Income Residential
Section Detail: Armory Plaza
Section Detail: Live/Work/SRO 


This project, an entry for the 2013 ULI Hines Competition, proposed an urban development in the area between Vikings Stadium and Downtown West in Read More
