Daire O Suilleabhain's profile

Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin wanted to create an informative video about the benefits of Universal Healthcare and how it could operate it implemented in Ireland. 
First Draft
The first draft of the video had a pastel colour scheme that I was keen to explore. As you can see, some ideas of how to visualise the script we're ultimately changed in the final version. 
Second Draft
The second draft resulted with the loss of the outline effect that had been applied. 
Why did the style and colours change?
One of the most feared things for any creator happened: the client's project manager changed! 

This happened after a second draft animation had been sent. Up until this point, a script, storyboard, style-frames and initial animation had all been signed off from the client. The new project manager was eager to put their own stamp on the project. 

So what do you do in a situation like this? You plan for it. 

How you plan depends on the project, but for me, I build for edits. This involves clearly naming layers in After Effects, using text animators so copy can be changed while retaining the animation, and time saving methods.
For the massive edit of changing all the colours, Ray Dynamic Color was what saved me a lot of work and meant the client got the changes in a timely manner. 

Trinity College Dublin


Trinity College Dublin
