Some photos I made during a real-life meetup and photo walk through Sydney CBD with Steve Mcbey, who I discovered through Instagram. Made with a Canon EOS 500 with EF 40 f2.8 – a camera and lens combo that's almost as small as other digital compact cameras that are the favourite for street photography at the moment.

I usually prefer 35mm and wider lenses so the 40mm was a change. I love it's compactness and sharpness, need to work on the right place to stand.

Ilford HP5 Plus film developed in Kodak HC110 dilution E. Scanned with a Plustek OpticFilm 8100 with minimal tweaking in Lightroom (black and white points, curves and contrast, a bit of clarity and sharpening) and a lot of dust spotting.
Sydney Street Walk

Sydney Street Walk
