Gamer Essentials - Jonathan Gubler
Created 12 icons set using Adobe Illustrator. This project took 2 weeks from start to finish. My main goal was to learn basic shape building and adding depth to flat designs. Overall this is my first design done in Illustrator and am exciting to keep progressing through each design. 
This was my first draft for the Snes controller, you can see it has the basic shape but buttons are missing depth, as well as everything else.
Here is my rough draft for my N64 controller.  I was given some critic on depth, and using shadows to help differentiate depth of the controllers.  Highlights were then added, and created the final Vectors the next week. 
I contemplated doing many other topics, such as Drones.  The problem was i needed to make 12 icons, and could only think of 4 different drones. I then thought of early video games, and the controllers used. That's why i start of with a zapper, and then a switch.

Gaming Controllers

Gaming Controllers

Vector graphics of Gaming controllers. Designed to be icons. Nintendo Nes, Snes, N64, Switch, Microsoft xbox, Xbox 360,
