archimatika LLC's profileAlexander Simon's profile

Housing in Venice

Housing in Venice

Architecture: archimatika
Project type: Multifunctional building
Timeline: 2019
Status: Concept
Location: Venezia, Italy, Calle Montesanto
Lead Architect: Alexander Simonov
Team: Anna Monastyretska, Kateryna Bondarenko, Artem Pereiaslov

Award and recognition:
#VENICECALL architectural ideas contest  - 1st place

The task was to develop a housing project for people from all over the world in the historic  district of Venice, where the Biennale takes place. After analyzing the surrounding buildings, we developed a project for a house of the same height and with the same fenestration of windows of nearest buildings. We covered the last floor with reflective glass to highlight the blue line of the street, and the entire building is covered with travertine, as the most typical and suitable material for Italy and hot climate.

In a five-story building, the apartments occupy the third and fourth floors and represent a wide section of the PRO-apartment line. The ground floor for public events, in which there is a cafe, a bookstore, exhibition space, technical and office space with the lobby of the residential part of the building. The exhibition hall is on the second floor and the restaurant with panoramic views and summer terraces on the top floor. The flows of people were divided by two streets, the residents and visitors of the exhibition hall were separated by two different vertical connections. The café and shop have a separate entrance oriented towards Biennale Park.

Key section
Street elevation
Explosion scheme
Housing in Venice

Housing in Venice

Housing for Biennial garden district
