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Drawing & Speculation

Drawing the city- Framing ​​​​​​​
The following drawings showed the surrounding of UTS, it allows to help us to arrange the different angles and views of the city. This task allows us perform a limited focus by using our own hands to create an imagination window to capture the moment. It was a great experienced to draw outdoor while warm temperature and the direction of the sunlight shine in many different directions allows us to control the shading of our focused objects. The size of the drawings were the biggest challenges since I been unconsciously drawing the detail of each objects however, the main focus was to have a rough sketch of our focus. This task was able to give me ideas of the surroundings of the city.  
"Fun Palace Cedric Price"
According to MoMA, Price was a 'man belonged to a generation of British architects and an educators who used architecture as his professional work and also social art'. Price was fascinated by technology and believed that it should both serve the public and human freedom. Fun Palace was known as the "laboratory of fun" and "a university of the streets", it was one of the most visionary architects during the late 20th century. Mathews S. 2005, p.73 states that Fun Palace 'was not a building in any conventional sense, but was instead a socially interactive machine, highly adaptable to the shifting cultural and social conditions of its time and place'. Fun palace had definitely challenge the definition of architecture, with its own extraordinary 'building', with the use of scaffolding or framing around the sketch as the grid to display the interior and structure of the palace. Cedric Price shows his audience his work by drawing his visions and the progress of his architecture which highly inspired me to research more about his works and styles. Price's provided rough sketch had involved with his own imagination of people walking around the building shows the strong determination and efforts he had put into his own architects, this also allows his audience to visualise the purpose of his work. Price communicate with his audiences by using scaffolding and people, allows to envision the developments of Fun Palace. 

Figure 1. A rough sketch of the symbolise and views
Figure 2. A 2-Dimensional digital copy of Fun Palace 
Figure 3. A 3-Dimensional framing digital work of Fun Palace
Price was managed to arrange his work steps by steps with different style to create his visions. The used of unenclosed street structure, fully serviced by travelling gantry cranes the building. Price's promised "Its form and structure, resembling a large shipyard in which enclosures such as theatres, cinemas, restaurants, workshops, rally area, assembled, moved, re-arranged and scrapped continuously" 
Throughout the research, I had began to take photos my surroundings and began to realise the different symbol and structures that was used in every different buildings. I began to visualise how buildings were architect or how they were began and planned out. This allows me to gather more understanding around my surroundings and the aspect of the city.  
Figure 4. Rough sketch
Figure 5. Digital drawing of my work
Figure 6. Printed digital copy and addition of hand drawing
Progress and Final Work
During the process of drawing my work, I had no knowledge of digital programming. Hand drawing was always my speciality in any project. This was my first attempt using Photoshop to draw. In the initial stage, it was an absolute disaster due to the lack of practise and knowledge of using these unfamiliar program. However, after many hours of practise I was able to imagine a grid of the program. Following figures showed a hand drawing of my draft and my digital drawing. I related to Price's work by visualise the outcome of my building structure. On the third figure, I scanned my digital progress and used Price's technique by adding grid and scaffolding around my structure, instead of visualise the future like Price, I decided to imagine the structure before it was built. It was not an easily task to do since trying to imagine how building structure were planned out, and how it was during the process of renovating. Figure 6, I printed out my digital drawing and hand draw scaffolding and metals around the pillar. After finish hand drawing my own vision, I scanned my work into digital copy. 
Reference list

Hardingham, S. 2016, Cedric Price Works 1952-2003, a forward-minded retrospective, vol. 1, London, Montreal. 

Glynn, R. 2005, Fun Palace – Cedric Price, viewed 24 August 2019, <>.

MoMA 2015, Fun Palace for Joan Littlewood Project, Stratford East, London, England (Perspective)1959–1961, Art and Artist, viewed 24 August 2019, <>

Drawing & Speculation

Drawing & Speculation


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