The Book of Territory

The Book of Territory
For the final project in ESAD, Matosinhos, Portugal, we worked on a theme "Territory". We did research and decided to show territories about geography, phsycology, sociology, fauna, flora etc. 
This is the Book of Territory. 
It is not only about its geographic language, it is also about how it affects human interactions and their needs, such as belonging, boundaries and marking territory. The answers were search in different areas according to social, antropological, political, economical and psycological studies. 

This book will start from the Real Territory, its characteristics and representations. After that, there is a transition chapter, explaning the concept of Liminal Space. In-between spaces and in-between stages. The last chapter will take you to the Fictional Territory, the human imagination and will to discover new worlds, to conquer them and leave a mark. 

The book will take you from the inside to the outside, from real to fictional, from known to unknown.
The Book of Territory