Pranati Rele's profile


Call Flow created for Lantus (Insulin)
The Home Page.
The home page when slided. Shows the achievements by Lantus.
The Idea Tab. When clicked it shows the profile of a chef. Then it questions what will be your regimen Lantus or Glorified Premixes? When clicked on Glorified premixes it shows the consequences like weight gain and Hypoglycemia. So when it asks you again your regimen Lantus or Glorified Premixes. When Clicked on Lantus it takes you to next Tab i.e FFF.
The first slide of FFF Tab.
The second slide of FFF tab.
A. Kumar tab has 2 sub tabs. Above is the efficacy sub-tab.
The Safety sub-tab of A.Kumar.
The S.Kumar tab has 2 sub-tabs ad the Efficacy sub-tab of S.Kumar.
The Safety sub-tab of S.Kumar.
The Basal Plus Tab has 2 sub-tabs. The first sub tb Ideal Partner indictes how Lantus and Apidra make an ideal Partnet.
The Second sub-tab Flexible showing the advantages of having Apidra as an idea Partner.
The Origin Tab.
The Dosing Tab has 3 sub-tabs. The first sub-tab as BMI shows how Lantus dose is given to patient based on their profilr.
The Subtab PPG indicates how Lantus dose is given according to PPG of the patient.
The third sub-tab premix to Lantus.
The services Tab having 3 buttons. Each Button shows about the various aspects, uses and advtanges of Lantus Pen.
The Special Population tab has 2 sub tabs. The first being Pregancy.
The second sub-tab of Special population.i.e Children.
The tab Lantus the 1st choice has 3 sub-tabs. Summary being the 1st sub-tab giving an overall summary of lantus.
SKU the second sub-tab of lantus.
The third sub-tab VFM compares Premix analog and prices with basal analog and competitors.


MI CALL FLOW created for Lantus (Insulin)
