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Album Cover for @adil8a

Worked with one of my good friends, Amira, on her cover to the song Lowkey by Niki. She gave me the creative freedom to design the cover of the song and I decided to go for something moody but also minimalistic at the same time. I wanted to incorporate Ireland in the design as that is where she is currently studying at and it fits the concept that she had for her IGTV video on Instagram.
On the left, is the original photo I was sent by Amira to work with while the photo on the right was after editing the photo on Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. 
Created an outline illustration of Ireland, where Amira is currently studying at which was part of the design that I had in mind for the outcome of the project. 
And this is the final outcome of the project! Check out the cover on her Soundcloud page at adil8a and the cover with visuals on her Instagram IGTV page at adil8a too.
Album Cover for @adil8a

Album Cover for @adil8a

An album cover that I designed for one of my friend
