COPYWRITING // University of California, San Francisco
Campus Life Services at UCSF includes nine service units that provide programs and services to faculty, staff, and students. To communicate the breadth of offerings, an ad campaign was developed to reinforce sources available and introduce the audience to unfamiliar ones.
Following is an ad I wrote promoting the Retail unit's Farmers' Markets and the graphic design services available through Documents, Media & Mail.
COPYWRITING & CONTENT STRATEGY // University of California, San Francisco
In conjunction with Retail and Living Well, a series of articles were pitched and created to promote health and wellness campus wide. Following is an article I wrote to encourage support of local farms and demonstrate that Farmers' Marketis offer much more than healthy food options.
The article can be viewed online and was also promoted via email newsletters and social media.
COPYWRITING & CONTENT STRATEGY // University of California, San Francisco

Another article in a health and wellness series, showcasing how green initiatives are being implemented campus-wide and demonstrating that you can eat out and still lower your carbon footprint.

The article can be viewed online and was also promoted via email newsletters and social media.
COPYWRITING & CONTENT STRATEGY // University of California, San Francisco
To illustrate how feedback can make a very real impact at UCSF, Campus Life Services maintains a blog entitled "We Are Listening" that details the previous quarters biggest concerns, how they're being addressed, and what changes are being implemented.
Following is a blog entry that I managed, from determining topics covered, writing all copy, image selection, and using a content management system to test and push the post live.
Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Copywriting and Content Strategy samples for health and wellness programs.


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