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Movie Poster Redesign/Minimalist adaptation

For this project, i will be taking a movie and designing TWO different posters. One will be a minimalist design and the other one will be either a poster redesign or a parody design. 

First things first, I can't begin my design process without even knowing what movie i'm going to do so...
I've decided that I'm going to do Marvel Studios "Iron Man 3"​​​​​​​
I Don't really need to do much research since i have seen this movie at least 50 times. Though I will take a look at the offical posters for the movie to get a general jest of the tone of the posters. 
In the sketchbook, i'm gonna start sketching ideas for the minimalist cover first. 
No matter what design choice i end up using, i want to add the tag line "Even Heros Fall", Something great about this movie in particular is that there are so many great scenes to choose from. 
While I decide which one of this ideas to use, im going to start sketching ideas for my second poster. 
These are less of Re-Designs and more of parodies of the movie. I don't know which one of these i want to do but for the Minimalist poster, im going to go with the third option. To Illustrator!
Design 1
After spending a lot time (more then i wanted too) in Illustrator i'm at this point, I had an idea that cause me to change my design
I've left the chest area open because the idea i had was to put the title "Iron Man 3" in there. I will also morph the text to mimic his body shape (hence the black line borders). 
So I had a change of plans and ideas. Instead of making his whole chest area the title, I thought it would be a better idea to make it look like the title was scratched into the armor to go along with the theme of his armor being damaged. 
The final thing I did with this poster was bring it into photoshop and add effects to it: Drop Shadows, Inner Shadows, Gradients, the normal every day stuff I abuse in my designs.
Thats it for this design!
Design 2
The idea of this poster is to use the now iconic post credit scene of all the Avengers eating shawarma of the first Avengers movie. 
Since the post credit scenes usually tease a new movie, I thought it would be funny to make a poster where shawarma is the main focus. Since Iron Man 3 was the next movie after the Avengers, this works out well. Obviously, this shawarma scene meant nothing. The weren't teasing anything with it, but what IF they did?
The idea is to have some shawarma on a table with a spotlight on it. Obviously I'll have the title of the movie somewhere. I will also re word Iron Man 3's tagline "Even Heros Fall" to "Even Shawarma Falls". 
First things first, i have to make the shawarma and a table look like they are one.
This was easy enough, heres the outcome. This is likely to be changed around a bit in the future.
I threw on some gradients, fixed the shawarma so it looks un flat, and added Iron Man reaching for the shawarma. 
theres still some tweaking i have to do with the coloration on the shawarma and the table. 
After that, I put on all the text that this poster needed, like the tagline, the actors names, and the title.
If I have time later on, I may come back and tweak a few things here and there but for now, I'd say that this poster is finished!
This project was definitely my favorite of the semester, Im a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe so i was very excited to tackle this project.

But, as with all projects there are a few things I would've done differently. I would've wanted to spend less time on the minimalist design. It has too much detail to it and i feel like i kinda missed the point of a minimalist poster. I then would've put some of that time into the planning for the second poster, if i spent more time on that i think it would've came out a thousand times better. 
Movie Poster Redesign/Minimalist adaptation

Movie Poster Redesign/Minimalist adaptation


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