Imbaba Science Ripple

Imbaba Science Ripple
Building Typology: Research Center
Location: Imbaba, Cairo, Egypt
Land Plot Area: 60,000 sqm
Project Year: 2018
To create a landmark on both architectural and scientific bases regarding water research. The project also aims to boost, enrich and engage with the community of Imbaba by offering multiple educational and entertainment services. And finally, re-creating the water edge to give the public back their ownership in the Nile river.
Inspired by the chemical composition of the water molecule, the building imitates such nature by 3 dominant masses of research topics:
1. Irrigation & Agriculture
2. Economics of Water
3. Water Treatment & Filtration
Also, following the dynamic nature of atoms, masses are positioned according to hierarchy of function and circulation, fingers are extruded in the direction of water to create introvert spaces and maximize river view.
Final Board
Birds eye View
Main Street Approach
Nile River Boats' Approach and View 
Terraces View (Redesigned Waterfront Landscape)
Interior Shots
Louvers Close View B&W
360 Shot from Landscape
Ground Floor Plan
Other Plans
Main Street Elevation
Imbaba Science Ripple