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Build a garden - Dementia toy

Build a Garden
An Indoor Gardening Planting Table Game Design to Improve the Cognitive Performance of the Elderly With Mild and Moderate Dementia
注意力認知廣泛分布於大腦的神經纖維,但失智症患者的皮質區逐漸萎縮,導致注意力無 法集中、記憶力衰退,唯有透過認知促進的刺激方式,才能減緩病症。Build a Garden 是 一款彙整服務設計、園藝療法與職能治療的三方專業的互動性插花桌遊,提供給輕度阿茲 海默症長者訓練注意力之用。採用顏色與燈光的提示來刺激大腦。過程中可有醫護人員、 親人或朋友在旁協助,讓長者在互動中強化視動反應、記憶力、口語互動,加上遊戲的趣 味性與成就感,方可減緩殘餘能力的流失。

Attention recognition is widely distributed in the brain's nerve fibers, but in dementia patients, the cortical areas gradually atrophy, leading to loss of concentration, memory decline, only through cognitive stimulation, can slow down the disease. Build a Garden is a table-based Interactive flower arrangement toy for "Mild Cognitive Impairment" and "Mild Alzheimer's Disease Elders" to train attention.​​​​​​​ Use Color and light cues to stimulate the brain. With the assistance of medical staff, family members and friends, the elderly can enhance their visual and motor responses, memory, oral interaction, and the fun and sense of achievement of the game.
根據臺灣失智症協會指出,隨著年齡增長,65 歲以上的長者每 13 人即有 1 位 失智者,而 80 歲以上的長者則每 5 人即有 1 位失智者。截至 2017 年失智症人口為 27 萬人,20 年內將會增至 54 萬失智人口。在刻不容緩的情勢下 - 身為產品設計師,我們該做些甚麼 ?

According to the Taiwan Alzheimer's Disease Association, aged 65 and above, every 13 years older than 65, one of the older men aged 65 and above suffers a loss. By 2017, there will be 27 million people who suffer from loss of dementia in 20 years and will increase to 54 million. As a product designer, what should we do?
Dementia symptoms may be classified as mild cognitive disorder, mild, medium, medium and heavy. The focus is most widely distributed and widely distributed ; if there is no good attention, how can memory remember? ​​​​​​​
2017 年執行服務體驗 - 脈絡洞察研究與原型設計,爾後經過原型試驗、參與式觀察與訪談,廣受當地機構好評。
2019 年招募友人一同改良,終在年初開發出第二版,是我們對失智照護環境的一份心意。

In 2017, the implementation of service experience-context insight research and prototype design, followed by
prototype testing, participatory observation and interviews, well received by local institutions.
In 2019, I recruited friends to improve it, and we finally developed the second edition at the beginning of the year, which is a tribute to our caring environment for dementia.
Build a garden - Dementia toy


Build a garden - Dementia toy

Design and creation study of master's thesis: Build a Garden is an interactive flower arrangement game that integrates Horticultural therapy and Read More
