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Experience Design and User Research

Experience Design and User Research
A collection of some of my work regarding Experience Design and User Research, some clients may not have their names revealed paying my respect to the value of their innovative content.
- Social platform of predictions -
The app is a union of the logic of betting on games with the possibility of changes in real time, and betting on facts of a varied range of themes, from games to movies and political facts.
We developed research within the users' database to better understand their behavioral aspects and looking for improvements on the content offered. 
We opted to develop ethnographic research with early adopters and by sampling with new users in addition to A / B tests for mapping themes of interest, seeking to find insights on the low traction.

- E-commerce platform focused on products for home decor -
The platform was struggling to sell items to the whole country, gaining much more traction on selected states than others.
We developed research to map the bottlenecks on the conversion funnel since the platform presented good traffic but was having a bad conversion for some states.
- Control room screens for oil and gas company -
The company ordered research to improve the user experience for the controllers on the oil and gas sectors, with the main goal been the improvement on human reliability.
Usability tests performed on the supervisory systems observed
The situation observed was alarming, on top of the inherent risks of oil and gas industries, the UX of the systems was not concerned about preventing mistakes, leading the users to focus on some aspects that were not the most important. The suggestion was to redesign icons and screens to improve human reliability and provide a better experience for the controllers during their whole shift.

- App for real estate market -
Consultancy on the new service developed by the startup as an app focused on making real estate market easier for youngsters, evaluation of the user journeys and UX proposed.
The app was on the rise with a constant increase of leads and traffic, but with a sharp decline in the conversion rate without clear reasons and without changes in performance.
We could detect that one of the recently implemented features was based on an algorithm that alternated the exposure of apartments in accordance with the number of offers received,
in a way that showed most often apartments with no offers.  
This way, users were forced to see more often apartments that didn't match their expectations, leading to an increase of unsatisfied users with the search and consequently, lower conversion rates. 

- Digital Magazine -
The challenge was to help the company on the development of a service to be offered for the users that should work as an agenda for events and competitions on the bike scene in Brazil.
We developed a couple of activities of design thinking, envisioning and brainstorm to get the whole picture of what they wanted with the service.
Later on, we developed a service design blueprint with the whole team and projected the user journey with the participation of everyone, so they could understand the experience from the beginning. 

Designed by José Luis Oliveira | © Copyright. All rights reserved
Experience Design and User Research

Experience Design and User Research

A collection of some of my work regarding Experience Design and User Research, some clients may not have their names revealed paying my respect t Read More
