Rick Soto's profile

The Day Nursery

The Day Nursery
The Day Nursery is a non-profit childcare center located near Chicago. Their history runs deep. For well over 100 years their mission has been to provide care and education for low income, multi-cultural working families.
They provide parents the peace of mind that their child is taken care of while they work.
The Day Nursery asked us to develop and design their very first annual report. We crafted a compelling message and design to
inform and promote their mission
Children – The future of us.
                                                                Our fee - Paid in full.
Thank you for your appreciation!
You can donate to The Day Nursery by visiting: http://thedaynursery.org/donate/
The Day Nursery


The Day Nursery

Annual report design and messaging. A worth while non-profit organization to donate our time and skills. Sometimes it's not about money, it's abo Read More
