Nives Jovetic's profile

Visual identity / souvenirs / illustrations

Ground plan Bilaj fort
Boškarina / 2016
Visual identity / souvenirs / illustrations 

Clients desire was to crate a line of souvenirs using buildings with focus on fortifications and religious establishments, actually their blueprints and ground plans, which promote rich heritage of Croatia.
Designers task was creating visual solution and concept which will, through a simple and modern approach, communicate and educate. Through studies of ground plans, idea was born that each ground plan reminds of a specific object or item. Around associations or newly  found object the story is built where we reveal hidden ideas of the ground plan presented. 
That is how ground print of Medvedgrad fortress became a bear’s paw, ground plan of fort Bilaj in Lika became a rooster.... illustrations and taglines grab the attention of the observer and crate an idea that exactly this particular visual is a perfect gift for someone. Just after selection it is revealed that the object presented is in fact and extension of a ground plan and through additional exploration it is obvious which hidden benefits a particular souvenir in fact bears.
Through such solution ground prints become wearable and fun, and also educational.
For tag lines and project title responsibility fell to very talented Antonija Horvat who fulfilled the designs with great wordings.
Team: design, visual concept: Nives Jovetić, copywriter taglines: Antonija Horvat, copywriter additional text and production : Božica Majstorović

Ground plan Medvedgrad
Souvenirs, business cards
Visual identity / souvenirs / illustrations

Visual identity / souvenirs / illustrations
