What a way to end the best year of my life, 2018. 

Christmas holidays on a budget: traveling 2700km of the South East Australian coastline, living out of my car, camping and couch surfing for 16 days.  

Spending Christmas with family. Catching up with old friends, making a few new ones. Camping on secluded beaches and while sipping on beers & laughs.

A chronological timeline. 
Nan Tien Temple (Paradise of the South): The largest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere.
The fish were not biting, mere water under the bridge.
After two punctured tires on Boxing day evening: It was both about the journey and the destination.
Pinnacles Beach, Eden - "Red in the morning, the sheppard's warning."
Renown view, repulsive bird.
Summer Loving

Summer Loving


Creative Fields