this is one of the college project that we creat an icon by choosing any object then creat a story behand it,
so the mission for the icon was, "it is marathon's icons for the women who addict high heels and want to prove to the world they strong and clever enough to do  it LIKE A GIRL".
and the philosophy was, the science says whenever you get higher close to the sky you will have more pure and healthy oxygen and that's why we created this inspired, healthy and challenged marathon. in addition of healthiness, heels add more charm and confident to the women and when women feel confident she can do anything, and impossible is nothing to her. also, they will prove to the world that we are strong enough and we have our independent identity. 
the icones designed to three levels for the marathon, depends on  distance, proportional with the heels  height  "when the heel is higher the distance is longer".  so, every time you wear higher heel you will get more healthy oxygen subsequently you can running more.

the brochure
marathon icons

marathon icons

create an icon for unusual event with philosophy
