The Guinness beer project presented one of my most challenging endeavors, particularly due to the constraints imposed by its placement in the Dubai airport, where showcasing beer or a glass of beer in advertisements is restricted. To navigate this obstacle, extensive research became paramount.
Delving into the essence of Guinness, I uncovered the pivotal role of the Nitrogen Ball within the can, responsible for preserving the foam and enhancing the taste of the renowned black beer. Drawing parallels between this intricate nitrogen-beer relationship and the interconnectedness observed in nature – such as the moon and the sea, the moon and the birds, and the moon and the wolves – I conceptualized an approach that encapsulated this synergy.
My concept materialized into a series of black and white illustrations, meticulously crafted to mirror the delicate balance between the white foam and the rich hue of the beer. These illustrations were strategically designed to evoke a sense of harmony and interconnectedness, echoing the symbiotic relationship between Guinness and its distinctive attributes.
Moreover, to amplify the experiential dimension of the advertisement, I collaborated with a harper musician. Positioned in proximity to the poster, the musician became a living embodiment of the Guinness logo, playing melodic tunes that resonated with the essence of the brand. Additionally, a dynamic illustration of beer foam was incorporated into the screen, synchronized with the rhythm of the music, creating a multisensory experience that engaged passersby on a deeper level.
Through this innovative fusion of art, music, and brand storytelling, the Guinness beer project transcended traditional advertising conventions, offering travelers at the Dubai airport an immersive and unforgettable encounter with the iconic beverage.
Guinness beer


Guinness beer
