PROBLEM: I was given the task of creating a magazine cover for a fictional magazine by combining multiple images, and then using paths, layer style effects, adjustment layers, and layer masks to create an attractive design.

SOLUTION: I used a single image for the focal point of my design and used another image for the background. I used a path to select my model and created a layer mask which allowed me to hide the background from the original image and insert my own. I duplicated the model, moved the new layer slightly, and reduced the opacity, which created a glitchy, attention-grabbing design. I added rectangular lines to add some movement to the design, and applied the same technique to the lines as on the model. I then masked the lines so they would appear to be passing behind the subject's head, creating the illusion of depth in my design. I inserted the text, and then applied various adjustment layers, layer style effects, and smart filters to complete my design.

RESULT: I was pleased with my final result, and received praise from my classmates on the execution of my design.

Magazine Design: Exceptional Layouts and Covers | InDesign. (2018, March 26). Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

Analyse the magazine "GQ" - GCSE Media Studies - Marked by (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

Background -
Model -
Magazine Cover