Hui-Hsuan Wang's profile

Social Media Shopping Center: BubbleS

Time: 09/2011 - 11/2011
Client: TU Delft, the Netherlands
Team: Charlene Wu , Gabriela Ascencio, Hui-Hsuan Wang , Kai-Ting Huang, Rong Cai
Persional contribution: primary research, questionnaire, concept development, business model
The goal of this project is to create a engaging and interactive shopping experience for consumers. First we did the research of the current situation of the retailing industry and the transition of consumer behavior due to the use of social media. Next, we described the design view, taking a holistic look on our design based on the above analysis, which was followed by the design concept explaining our design in detail. Finally, we proposed the possible business model and the design vision behind our concept “BubbleS”.
BubbleS is a platform built up with two main systems, which are BubbleS website and the virtual fitting rooms in BubbleS shopping center. BubbleS website is a platform that integrates information from social media for users to interact with others. It also gathers products information scanned by consumers with QR code, facilitating them to  make purchasing decision. BubbleS shopping center is a fitting room combining social media and live-fitting technology, where consumers can try on clothes and accessories instantly while interact with their friends through social media, by means of it they can acquire information and suggestions.
BubbuleS social shopping experience
BubbleS website:
It is a website that integrates information from social media for users to interact with others. It also gathers products information collected by consumers, facilitating them to make purchasing decision.
BubbleS shopping center & vrtual fitting room:
This is a physical shopping center where consumers can enjoy themselves or with friends and family in the virtual fitting rooms to try on the products they scanned. Consumers can virtually try on their collected products through a interative 
screen in a fitting room, and then upload their try-on photos to BubbleS website, asking for opinions of their friends online. 
Social Media Shopping Center: BubbleS

Social Media Shopping Center: BubbleS

A social media shopping center that can create a engaging and interactive shopping experience for consumers.
