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ART 1130: 3D Fabrication

Final Sculpture
Final Project, Wood and Yarn, 6' x 3', 2018
Description: For my final project I wanted to represent order and chaos in a very structured way. So, for my sculpture I created a rectangular box and divided it in half to represent the order and chaos. The top half is the representation of chaos. The yarn is strung randomly and the cube in completely enclosed; this is to help the audience get the feeling like they cannot exist in the top cube because there is so much going on. Unlike the bottom cube, the yarn is following the same pattern and spacing around the perimeter of the cube. And it is left open in the middle, that way the audience can picture themselves existing inside the piece. These two things are to remind people that it is hard and sometimes impossible to live in a chaotic environment, but it is easier to exist and live in an ordered environment. 

Critique Notes/Insights: From the critique I received many good observations about my piece, which included questions about the color choice, why the ordered cube is placed on the bottom, and a lot of people had a difficult time grasping the fact that even though it's supposed to be easier to imagine yourself in the bottom cube, there was no actual way to get inside. I think if I had more time or was to do this again, I would put more thought process into the color choices, leave one of the ordered sides open, and I would place the ordered cube on top of the chaotic one to better represent hierarchy. 

Process: The first step of my project was to measure and cut the wood for my base, middle section, and top part of my piece. After I had the three squares glued together, I cut the vertical pieces and drilled holes into the wood so l could later string the yarn through them. This was probably the most difficult part of the production because my piece is so big that it was hard to glue/nail it together in a way that would stay. But we were able to figure it out. After I had the frame all glued/nailed together, I strung the yarn through each hole to complete my project. 
Top view of my final sculpture (Chaos themed), Wood and Yarn, 3' x 3', 2018
Bottom view of my final project. (Order themed), Wood and Yarn 3' x 3', 2018
Exercise 3: Prototype
Prototype, String and Wooden Skewers, 8" x 3", 2018
Description: While assembling this prototype I wanted to experiment with how the two cubes would interact with each other. The bottom cube is representing order and the top is representing chaos. 

Critique Notes/Insight: The feedback I gathered from the critique was very helpful. For my final project I need to figure out how I want the interior of the cubes to be set up; for example should I have the cubes be open or closed off. Another thing I need to consider is what I am trying to represent with the pyramid shape on top. I wanted that to represent chaos or war as well, but for my final I need to figure out a way to deliver that message better. Some people suggested to have the strings continue throughout the triangle, so I am going to experiment with that. Another helpful thing I will use for my final project, is that I will be drilling holes through the wood, that way all my strings are even and well spaced in the bottom cube and for the top cube I will drill the holes randomly to give it a chaotic feel. 
Exercise 2: Sketches
Description: With these sketches I wanted to experiment with the idea of order and chaos. Most of my ideas have two levels. One level being "order," which has everything symmetrical and very clean and precise looking. And the other level is the "chaos," which has objects (string) going in every direction, giving it a messy look. I decided to combine my sketch #3 and #6 for my final project. 

Critique Notes/Insight: From what I gathered from talking with my partner and professor, I need to figure out a way to show the two different levels in a better way. Another helpful critique was that it would be better to drill the holes to string the yarn, rather than wrap it around my piece. 
Exercise 1: Rapid Prototypes
Rapid Prototype, Wooden Skewers, Toothpicks, and White Material, 7" x 7"
Description: With this project I wanted to represent "war and peace" and "chaos and order" all in one piece. The top part of my project represents war because of all the sharp edges and order because of the repeated pattern and symmetry. And the bottom part is to represent peace because of the white color and chaos because it is not all the same material.
Critique Notes/Insight: ​​​​​​​My classmates mentioned that they liked the idea of my top representing order and chaos. But they kept seeing a shape of a boat, so it was hard to focus on the actual piece. They said to maybe separate it in a way that shows both levels in a better way. 
ART 1130: 3D Fabrication

ART 1130: 3D Fabrication


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