Finalization of the project: January 2019

Note: Project has been conducted in a group of four people in collaboration with 
Ondřej Slunečko, Anastasia Vatanen and Mona De Graeve.
5th semester project is aimed at renovation. We got to work with the building that was build in 60's. The idea of our new proposal was to combine the past and the future - reuse as much as we can. In our design you can find combination of old bricks with modern corten steel cladding. One of the external corten walls is now 1 meter thick -with steel column and beam system hidden inside. It has multiple purposes: we fit there balconies that are supported both on existing brick wall and new steel structure; we are establishing wide, cosy, sitting "cave" windows for reading; there are also shafts for installations fitted inside the wall; and the amount of insulation is helping us to achieve low energy house status. The structure of the building is still functioning, so we decided to keep existing core of the building - trusses, brick external walls. We are leaving the main loadbearing internal walls as well. The rest of internal walls is carefully demolished and bricks are used again as a new outer leaf of the external wall - after adding needed insulation. There are few types of appartments: one, two & three bedrooms apartments on each floor and spacious studios in the attic. We decided to give a new lease of life to the spaces that were not in everyday use before, which translates into benefits for the building owner and new residents. We are fitting new elevators that are serving most of the apartments, which were not here before at all. Also outside areas are now arranged another way - we got rid of too many pavements and fitted much more green spaces and walking paths, so that not only residents can benefit from our project, but also other neighbors from the surroudings, who are passing by our plot every single day.  The project is functional, energy and cost efficient, modernized and bringing benefits to all parties involved.