Creative Growth
Photography is such a wonderful media and my camera is my vehicle to which I am able to open my eyes and actually see the world as I move from point A to B.
Photoshop is my darkroom Lightroom is my ray of light. Both are essential tools that allow me to be creative and transfer ideas to reality. 
Leading lines

Leading Lines are a very important compositional element that every photographer needs to master. 

The shot was somewhat challenging. It required a little technology boost with my cell phone as the shutter release, hidden on the back of the camera I am holding.  
Creative: Quiet Moment

Peace. Serenity. Tranquility. Conveying a quiet moment.

Artistic: Bodyscape

The human form has been the study of art since art was first inspired. Take inspiration from the human body.

Tiny toes preparing for life's adventure with the support and love of family, friends and community.
Artistic: Let fear be your inspiration

Find a way to show fear in a way that your viewer feels it.

Imagination Running Wild - Under the bed, in the closet, lurking in the shadows .... we have all wondered, stressed and worried about what prowls around us while we sleep. Shadows on the wall, creaking floors, howling wind, moving tree limbs, body snatchers ... it is all there making nighttime, simply put - tortuous on our imagination. 

Do you check the under the bed and in the closet before bedtime? Do you sleep with the light on? Maybe you should!
Tell a story using a mirror

Well, after 30 years of being best friends, partners and in love our challenge was to tell our story using a mirror. 

Hopefully we captured our story. We are happy, blessed, friends and bound by love.
Technical: Water Drop

Photographing a water drop is a mix of lighting, macro, and patience. 
A Wrinkle In Time

Each line tells a story dating back 95 years. From the Great Depression to WW2 to family to life and to death there are oh so many experiences. 

This wonderful loving hand has guided and nurtured many a spirit through the years. 
Truly, experienced in time
Technical: Loop Lighting

Loop lighting is one of the most used portrait lighting techniques. I shot this portrait using loop lighting. 

Haley & Trent were great sports to pose for my Loop Lighting challenge
Sonic Runway

A light-art installation that visualizes the speed of sound with San Jose, California City Hall in the background.

The artwork converts audio signals in to a pattern of lights that shoot down the corridor of arches at the speed of sound (1235 kph / 767 mph)

Nice and scientific, but in short . . . kind of cool & fun to watch! A still photograph does not do the corridor justice
Artistic Red

Shoot whatever inspires you. Red should be the focus of the image. Don't be afraid to be creative.

I am one with my camera. Sometimes it is hard to get photography out of my head or my head out of the camera
Story: Landscape Foreground 

Many stories are based around portraits, but landscapes can have stories also. Tell the story of a landscape by using the foreground as the subject and the background as the scene 

I stumbled upon this shot in San Jose, California. I liked the everything about the potential composition. Glad I took the time to take the shot.
Artistic: Food

Take your food photography to the next level. Its not lunch, its art.

Walking to work this morning I noticed a cherry tomato at our outdoor sitting area and for the first time in a long time felt inspired to be creative.

I did rip apart the outdoor patio in order to get this photo. Moved tables and chairs to obtain the right background and composition and placed a steel table aligning the lighting so that I could capture the shot that was clear in my head. Yes I do believe I put on a show for those passing by.
Rule of Thirds: 

The rule of thirds is the first compositional rule most photographers learn; but most don't know why they learn it. The rule of thirds is amazing for telling a story. Tell a story using rule of thirds.

I thought I’d take a photo of the keyboard and capitalize on the various threes. Utilizing the top left third to bottom right third, Hand is playing a 1/3 of a chord, notes 1 & 3 (omitted the fifth), and the photograph has three octaves in the shot.
Portrait: Hands

Usually the face is the strongest element in the frame; with the hands being second. Make the hands the most important element in your image.

We are connected and there is a soothing, calming feeling when we touch. Together we can conquer what ever life tosses our way. It is our form of communication.
 Story: Golden Hour

The golden hour is the hour before sunset or after sunrise when the sun casts amazing golden tones.

Captured this Sunset at Grasslands National Park. Making a wrong turn on a trail, this shot was almost missed. Going off trail to climb up the side of a plateau, we then had to run to get to a vantage point in time. With only seconds left to capture the photo, still breathing hard after the exertion I steadied my stance, held my breath and took the shot.
Creative Growth

Creative Growth

Life using photographic techniques as essays
