Robyn Angeli's profile

TUBE Magazine Art Direction

TUBE is the music appreciation and criticism online magazine of the Ateneo Musicians' Pool. As the Art Director, I lead the rebranding (both conceptualisation and execution) of the visual identity of the magazine.

Visually, TUBE wanted to be eye-catching and modern, to appeal to its audience of university students. I combined this with the look and aesthetics of the local Philippine music gig scene (which featured a lot of bright, flashing, neon lights), to create the following collateral.

The logo was determined first (above). The name was featured in bold and graphic letters, and given a bouncy quirk to help it stand out.

Promotional posters for TUBE calling for written contributions.

Additional posters, and an edited version to cover changes in the deadline for contributions.

Announcement of the new issue's release.

Website design of the online magazine, executed on Wix, per the instructions given by the Editors-in-Chief. It can be found HERE.

Landing page of the website.

Article directory design.

TUBE Magazine Art Direction


TUBE Magazine Art Direction

Art direction of TUBE, a music appreciation and criticism online magazine.
