Après une étude de l'image de marque Prada, nous avons pu définir une prédilection pour un univers surréaliste (série des Real Fantaies), un jeu sur les accumulations d'objets (The Postman Dream), un esprit lisse, papier glacé, sobre, et des couleurs plus pop (The Battlefield, Candy Kiss, Candy Cosmos). 

The commercials of the brand are often inspired by the imaginary of childhood fantasy, using a lot of bright colors, playing around with accumulations and surreal universe.

This is why we based our storyboard with these main focus and ideas in mind. 

Rendre les objets Prada chic et élégant, amener autre chose dans la vie de tous les jours, 
entrer dans l’univers Prada.

Chapter 1 - The vacuum: We start this film with a scene of knolling multiple
Prada objects. A vacuum is picking/cleaning them up. This is done in a stop motion. 
We are looking at the objects from the top.

Chapter 2 - The Soda: We see different fruits turning into bubbles. 
First chapter - PRADAVACUUM
What if Prada had a new vacuum? 

The idea of this project was to create a promotional video without showing what the actual product was. Additionally, we played with Prada's Branding codes, in a fun, colorful and surrealistic way.
We chose to merge the concept of knolling and labyrinth. The vacuum reveals a maze made of iconic Prada objects. You can watch the video (in high quality) below 👇
Second chapter - PRADASODA
What if Prada had a new soda? 

The idea of this project was to create a promotional video without showing what the actual product was. Additionally, we played with Prada's Branding codes: in this case, 
we went with surrealism, fun, and colorfulness.
Thanks for watching ! 


What if Prada had a new soda or a new vacuum? The idea of this project was to create a promotional video without showing what the actual product Read More
