Billa - Sales Strategy


Billa is a company specialized in the field of disposable products and was famous for the sale of menthol toothpicks in Brazil. Today Billa is composed of more than 120 varieties of products and produces in five countries (Brazil, China, USA, India and Vietnam).

In this project was given the responsibility of creating attractive options for the brand that show the point of sale in the main markets which brand becomes present. We needed to emphasize a product that doesn't make a good profit for the company, so we decided to make options that would create a combined sale.

(A Billa é uma empresa especializada no ramo de produtos descartáveis e ficou famosa pela venda de palitos de dente mentolados no Brasil. Hoje a Billa é composta por mais de 120 variedades de produtos e produz em cinco países (Brasil, China, Eua, Índia e Vietnã).
Neste projeto foi dado a responsabilidade de criarmos opções atrativas para a marca que evidenciem o ponto de venda nos principais mercados em que a marca se torna presente. Precisávamos dar ênfase em um produto que não tem um bom lucro para a empresa, então decidimos fazer opções que criassem uma venda casada).
There is space reserved for barbecue and related products, many spaces are small, the space is unattractive, don't have any color or contrasts and the products are distributed in a disorganized way.
The first idea is to build a point of sale that catches the attention of consumers when passing in front of the gondola. For this, we use the warm colors of the brand and explain on each plate a good reason to take the products to the "Hora do Churrasco" (Barbecue Time).
The second proposal is directly linked to butcheries because these establishments don't have many gondolas. The idea is to build a full-size brazilian cardboard barbecue area, which would support the products of the brand, following the same idea of selling combined as in the first proposal.
The last proposal is to make the brand become present inside the people's houses. The idea is to create a promotion which customers who buy a certain amount of products will take the cutting board for home.
In Brazil, especially in the south, people have the custom of hanging the board on the wall as a decoration item, so it was thought these idea of creating boards with phrases related to the barbecue world. The board becomes a frame.
Billa - Sales Strategy