Matt Franklin's profile

London Essays: a collection of articles

London Essays
a collection of articles containing text and images 
The London Essays project was probably one of my most challenging. It required skilled use in typography and editorial design, having a strong and grid was vital to this project as the demands of each article was different–from text heavy with no images to articles that were image driven. To make each article feel like they were part of the same publication was initially very difficult but when achieved at the end it was very satisfying. 
A selection of spreads from a perfect bound mockup, excuse the low quality I hope to get a proper camera and better lighting when I return to Uni.  
Screenshots from the inDesign file, don't feel you have to look through them all, I just felt it showed the cohesion of each article well.  
Examples of my grid and how it worked for a range of media
One of my earlier concepts was to overlay illustrations onto the Lettering walk article, this proved to be a nice idea but got in the way of areas of text and ultimately distracted from the text. 
London Essays: a collection of articles

London Essays: a collection of articles

London essays is a collection of articles based on London. This project contains a range of image based and text based articles
