Series is about visual rev­e­la­tion of post-modernistic com­pre­hen­sion of real­ity. Since post­moder­nity stands on eclec­ti­cism and rel­a­tivism it intrudes a sin­gle stand or view­point from which world can not become a mean­ing­ful total­ity. Instead of words images can show that dif­fer­ences exist simul­ta­ne­ously and that com­bi­na­tion of sin­gu­lar­i­ties gives rise to more com­plex enti­ties. Time is not lin­ear, space is curved, iden­tity is com­plex, human­ity is pro­duced, sense is multi-directional, reli­gion is net­work, infor­ma­tion is about for­ma­tion and nev­er­the­less exis­tence is over­grown with hid­den sur­veil­lance.


Series is about visual rev­e­la­tion of post-modernistic com­pre­hen­sion of real­ity. Since post­moder­nity stands on eclec­ti­cism and rel­a­ti Read More


Creative Fields