Virginia Delgado's profile

TEDx Posters - Layout Design

TEDx Posters
As a personal project, I have decided to take three of my favourite creativity talks by TED and create individual posters for them. With their brand colours and a modern typographic style, I have designed creative layouts, full of contrast and negative space around the main elements. The colours red, black and white complement perfectly, and they immediately let the TED branding through.
The challenge I set to myself was to create this in a few hours, so I sketched my ideas, studied other people's work and opened Adobe Illustrator straight away!
Some quick sketches to highlight shapes and the layout of the posters that inspired me.
While me and my perfectionism would have spent much more time on this, I had decided to do the posters quickly and see what I could come up with. I'm very happy with the result, and can't wait to get more of this quick challenges done! :)
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
TEDx Posters - Layout Design

TEDx Posters - Layout Design

A series of TEDx Posters designed in a modern typographic style, using their brand colours: red, black and white
