Karoline Fischer's profile

Mixed Use Social Housing (univ. project)

The project was developed during the 6th Architectural Project Studio course and the program consisted in: 250 units of social housing for diversified age groups, a medical assistence centre, a day care centre, commercial points, cultural spaces, a co-working building and sports facilities.
The terrain is located in the Jardim Botânico neighborhood, in the transition of the biggest favela in Curitiba, Vila Torres, and a midle-class income residential area. It is an abbandoned area, delimitated on East by the most visited park of the city, Jardim Botânico
park; on North, by the North-South structural axis and BRT corridor and on West and South, by low-density residential housing.
In order to create visuals, gathering spaces and walkable connections at ground level, the conceptualization of the project was designed from the definition of transvertial axis,  translated into pedestrian permeability and from where the buildings functions are accessible.
The distribution of functions was decided in base of their compability with each other and other functions in the sorrounding areas. The public funtions were faced to the streets and the inner paths, wich also creates community atmosphere and urban life.
The residential buildings, as well as the co-working one were inserted in the terrain according to the topography, allowing some underpasses at ground level, connecting
every fabric and corner of the terrain.
Mixed Use Social Housing (univ. project)

Mixed Use Social Housing (univ. project)
