Work's Communication Objective: 

I was born and raised in London, UK and moved to Doha, Qatar with my family around four years ago. The desert is not a landscape I am familiar with, and was one that really left me in awe and wonder. I think a lot about how our physical environments, and their influence on our state of mind and way of life. When asked by our professors in class to design a postcard that described our life in doha to an outsider, it seemed to me as though there was nothing better to describe it than the desert landscape itself.

My process for this project really began with my limitations. I had decided I wanted to laser print black on to black paper. After prototyping this and being happy with the results I began to look through my own images of the desert and through books I had actually read about the desert for a quote to use on my postcard. I used photoshop to edit my image, making it black and white and then inverting it inorder for the lighter areas to be printed with the laser printer to create a semi glossy effect against the matte black paper.

Process of editing images in photoshop: making them black and white, inverting, erasing sections to have more space (back of postcard): 
Desert Postcard