Landscape Adventure
In our pursuit of  beautiful landscape images my 6yr old son and I embarked on a coastal landscape shoot. We travelled to the amazing Jurassic Coast Dorset, and explored a few locations. After a full day of getting to know area and identifying some compositions, we climbed a ridge and set up camp for the night. After a few hours sleep we got up, ate and collapsed camp all before 0530 am. 
We headed south back to our first location hoping the morning light would reveal an amazing sky, unfortunately the sky was clear and free of any interesting  to catch the light. However, All was not lost, the golden morning light hit the stunning limestone cliffs and rocks and gave off an amazing golden glow. The Adventure was well worth the effort, if nothing else a passion for the great out doors was egnited in my son! No small feet in this age of technology.
Coastal Shoot

Coastal Shoot

Our aim was to capture some beautiful landscape images. So my 6 yr old son and I travelled to the coast, explored a few location and wild camped Read More
