Megan Seamann's profile

Stewardship Jesus Magnet

The Stewardship committee for Saint Michael’s Catholic Church in Spalding, NE started a project in 2014 to reach out to the parishioners. The committee decided to create magnets that they could send out to all the parishioners during the Christmas season. They voted on a quote that they wanted to base the magnet design on, “Is the life you are living what Jesus died for?”. I had recently graduated from the Catholic school in Spalding and the members of the Stewardship committee knew that I was going to college to study Graphic Design. They got ahold of me and asked if I could do a few sketches for them. To make the printing of the magnets cheaper, the committee asked me to keep the design to a limited number of colors. I drew up a few different designs most of them focused on Jesus on the cross. I had a crucifix in my dorm room that I was using as a reference. The committee liked one sketch in particular and asked if I could design in on the computer. Using Illustrator, I scanned the sketch I drew and traced the
image using the pen tool. The original quote the committee sent me, I then arranged on either side of the image. After I sent the committee a prototype, they sent me the Spalding Academy logo and asked me to add it to the design. They also asked me to add that I am the designer and the year that I graduated from Spalding Academy so that they could show the parishioners that they value their alumni.
Stewardship Jesus Magnet

Stewardship Jesus Magnet
