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Itay ilbaroud Residential tower.

Itay iLbaroud residential tower... 
Day shot
The owner main objective to create facades fits the residents need, despite the economical challenges, It was very essential to estimate project's budget.

Main Elevation
Classic architecture is still more preferred that contemporary architecture, therefore it was very challenging to create classic facade with a software more oriented to digital era.
4th floor in details
As it is very essential to have drawings represents the geometries; to have accurate POQ, and compatible drawings, therefore BIM technologies has to be implemented.
8th level in details.
Customers never stop thinking about coast, specially when they aware of materials like concrete GRC, and brick's coast, so schematic  drawings were satisfying enough in this phase.

Sections and Isometrics 
The contract between the design team and client is to submit drawings in LOD 300, Nevertheless I added more Isometrics to ensure compatibility between Plans, sections and elevations.

4th level isometric
I found clients are more familiar with 3d drawings, because it gives more data, other wise plans are more convincing to illustrate the circulation, column CG.

7th level isometric
8th level isometric
Night shot.
Itay ilbaroud Residential tower.

Itay ilbaroud Residential tower.

Tower design classic
