Tank Driving Simulator
A driving simulator to help the military in learning how to drive the M113A1 Tank

This simulator is the first professional VR game I made. It's made along with a team of electrical engineer and manufacturers to create a 1:1 replica of the inside of a tank cockpit along with the tank controls. The controls is connected to a computer using Arduino, which is then processed into in-game commands. The project is currently finished and waiting for further confirmation from the military in order to develop it further.

Komatsu Maintenance Simulator
A maintenance simulator to help UT School's students learn on how to troubleshoot the Komatsu PC200 Excavator

This simulator is made for the United Tractors school department. The point is to identify and fix problems commonly found in the Komatsu PC200 excavator model. The game is split into 2 parts, which is training and exam. In training mode the problem and steps to fix it is taught to the user in order to teach them on how to best approach a troubleshooting session. After the user is familiar with the maintenance procedure, the instructor can put the game in exam mode. In this mode the user will be graded in his accuracy, steps, and procedures in troubleshooting a specific problem. After the troubleshooting is finished, a report sheet will be generated in order to show the user his score and errors.
Bridge of Balance
A body movement controlled VR game powered by Kinect and Oculus Rift

Bridge of Balance is a game I developed for my thesis. In this game player have to walk through a bridge in 3 difficulty level, with scarier and narrower bridge in each difficulty. First level is set on a mountain, second level is set on a ruin, and third level is set in hell. Player movement is detected using Kinect so player can see their body movement in the virtual world and enhance the realism of the experience. This game is showcased at UB IT Innovation Gathering (UBITIG) 2016, which is a 5 day IT Exhibition located in University of Brawijaya. The exhibition is a part of the International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2016 that is co-hosted by University of Brawijaya.
Layangan VR
A game about flying a kite in VR

Layangan VR is a game I created for the Indonesia Next Apps 4.0 challenge in Dicoding.
This game is developed for Samsung Gear VR 2017, which come included with a motion controller. In this game player can choose one of the many kite model and fly it by flicking the controller backward. Player can point the controller to steer the kite. Hitting other kite's line will reduce the Kite's energy, which can be refilled by flicking the controller. Player can see the kite's height, energy, and POV from the panel attached to the controller. Player can switch his POV to the kite's POV by click and holding the touchpad button on the controller.
VR Games

VR Games

VR Games Developed with Unity
